It's Elemental : The Hidden Chemistry in Everything
Author / Kate Biberdorf
Translation / Ayumi Kajiyama
Publisher / Yama-kei Publishers Co., Ltd.
Editing / Yuri Wata (Yama-kei Publishers Co., Ltd.)
Book design / Kenta Mimori (JUNGLE)
Translation / Ayumi Kajiyama
Publisher / Yama-kei Publishers Co., Ltd.
Editing / Yuri Wata (Yama-kei Publishers Co., Ltd.)
Book design / Kenta Mimori (JUNGLE)
さぁ、化学に目覚めよう 世界の見え方が変わる特別講義
著者 / ケイト・ビバードーフ
訳 / 梶山あゆみ
発行 / 山と溪谷社
編集 / 綿ゆり(山と溪谷社)
ブックデザイン / 三森健太(JUNGLE)
訳 / 梶山あゆみ
発行 / 山と溪谷社
編集 / 綿ゆり(山と溪谷社)
ブックデザイン / 三森健太(JUNGLE)
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New York Times and Wall Street Journal acclaimed national bestseller!
Exciting, fundamental, and a whole lot of fun!
An intelligent and entertaining chemistry story from America's favorite exploding chemist, KATE THE CHEMIST.
An intelligent and entertaining chemistry story from America's favorite exploding chemist, KATE THE CHEMIST.
From this book, readers will understand how important chemistry is and how cool it is.
This book is a welcome addition to any knowledge-seeker's library,
with a wit that is lacking in most science manuals.
How, for example, does caffeine wake you up in the morning when you drink your morning coffee?
Why should you not boil water to make a good cup of coffee?
Do you know the function of the ingredients in the shampoo you use when you shower?
Then why does wearing sunscreen protect you from UV rays?
The author, a self-proclaimed chemistry geek who teaches courses for liberal arts students as a professor
Why should you not boil water to make a good cup of coffee?
Do you know the function of the ingredients in the shampoo you use when you shower?
Then why does wearing sunscreen protect you from UV rays?
The author, a self-proclaimed chemistry geek who teaches courses for liberal arts students as a professor
at the University of Texas, introduces the basic principles of chemistry learned at the high school and college liberal arts levels and the chemical reactions that abound in everyday life in an easy-to-understand and humorous manner.
From cleaning, to exercising, to sipping cocktails at the bar, to getting into bed with a loved one, this book
From cleaning, to exercising, to sipping cocktails at the bar, to getting into bed with a loved one, this book
will make you feel that chemistry is actually near and dear to your heart.
With detailed explanations on how to read the periodic table of elements, this book is recommended for both students of chemistry and adults who want to relearn the subject.
With detailed explanations on how to read the periodic table of elements, this book is recommended for both students of chemistry and adults who want to relearn the subject.
アメリカで人気爆発の化学者“KATE THE CHEMIST”が教える知的で愉快な化学の話
アメリカで人気爆発の化学者“KATE THE CHEMIST”が教える知的で愉快な化学の話