We applied for the Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund project and received the award in June. I received that fund and created this visual. 
I chose the "Commission Project".
The task I received was to create a visual for CC's promotional advertisement.
And that visual was to represent the CC logo in my own way.
I had a lot of fun creating it with my own free ideas.

Adobe Creative Residency Community Fundのプロジェクトに応募し6月に受賞しました。
The concept of the work is "Creative Adventure". 
Going to unknown places, moving forward with courage, suddenly getting into trouble, consulting someone and achieving the same goal. .... These are things that happen every day at Creative Cloud. I thought it was like an adventure, so I pictured them: the Creative Cloud logo becomes a jungle, and we are on an adventure. I tweaked and organized the illustrations to convey each scene. Photoshop is essential for this detailed work.
作品のコンセプトは "Creative Adventure"。
未知なる場所に行くこと、勇気を持って前に進むこと、突然トラブルに巻き込まれ、誰かに相談し、同じ目標を達成すること....。これらは、Creative Cloudで日々起こっていることです。まるで冒険のようだと思ったので、絵にしました。ロゴがジャングルになって、私たちは冒険しています。それぞれのシーンを伝えるために、イラストを微調整しながら整理しました。この細かい作業にはPhotoshopが不可欠です。

I started with three rough sketches of how Creative Cloud should be represented.
・Creative adventure
・Expanding Imagination
・Creative Recipes
Creative Cloudをどう表現するか、3枚のラフスケッチからスタートしました。
・Creative adventure
・Expanding Imagination
・Creative Recipes

Draw each part of the sketched picture and shape the lines and shapes in Photoshop. Next, the parts are combined to complete the picture. Finally, coloring. I limit the number of colors and design it to look neat.

More illustrations on my Instagram!
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